Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Pet safety

Traveling with your pet. 
According to a controlled media(fox) article,  Subaru is investing time and money into making their cars pet safe.  I have an idea for them, advise the owners to leave their precious pets at home.  With all the animal cruelty law breaking potential out there, why is it still legal to carry your dog unrestrained in the car or truck?   Any sudden stop or quick turn could result in the animal being thrown against or out the window and especially out of the pickup bed.  There should be a law that all animals must be in carriers during vehicle operation.  Which brings me to the next issue.   Why does the law turn a blind eye to dog owners that allow a dog to sit on their lap while they are driving?  I live in a tourist town and I regularly see dogs with their heads out the driver's window.  And, they are not all small dogs, once saw a golden retriever slobbering out the window and the driver trying to steer around it.  Isn't that hampered driving?  Especially if you are driving a huge class A RV!   Also, being hit in the face with a flying dog on a sudden stop is not something desireable.  A cat will cling with its claws to the seat, but a dog has no such ability and can easily go through the front windshield or backwards to break the neck of any passenger.  Not something to worry about with a stuffed dog.

Sharing your dog.  
Why must dog owners 'share' their pet with everyone?  Are they so low in self esteem that they need a dog to meet people.  Are they so scared that they need a pitbull or other vicious dog to show how dangerous they are and to stay away.  If you have a dog, the only attention you get from me is to walk away from you and not engage in any conversation.  To not be invited to my house, to never get a lift in my car, etc.   I certainly do not want your stinkin' fleabag or your hair covered clothing near me.  I want to go into public places without having to worry about disease ridden dog poop and pee smell everywhere. I was coming out of Bank of America yesterday and a man walked in with his mutt who promptly peed in the entry way.  My owner called out in an extremely loud voice pointing out what the dog had done and that someone could slip and fall and what a liability it was for the bank.  The dog owner looked a little sheepish but didn't stop and clean it up.  Just because they live in kennels does not mean that the rest of us want to smell that way, too.  If you want a real dog as a pet, clean up after it and make it poop in your own yard.

It used to be that empty lot property owners had no dumping signs posted.  Now, they have to post this no dumping sign...

Not that the dogs will use a weed infested lot as toilet over a neighbor's well manicured  lawn.  I don't know if this works, though, as most dogs and their owners cannot comprehend symbols. This has to end if humans want is going to stay healthy.  Next time you see someone without a bag to collect the poop, tell them they are polluting our waters and streams and oceans.  Make it an issue.  Shame is a wonderful tool.  Too bad most dog owners are immune to it.

1 comment:

  1. What they need to do with that pole is hook up a live wire so every dog that pisses on it get electrocuted. Problem solved.
